Effects of sleep deprivation on your body
10th Oct 2023

We’ve all had those days: you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept a wink, you’re tired and groggy, with aches and pains – put simply, you don’t want to get out of bed. Everybody has nights like this, and even short term sleep deprivation can have negative effects on your mind and body. If you are someone who is repeatedly sleep deprived, the effects could be even more detrimental.
The amount of sleep you get can greatly affect your health – physically and mentally, internally and externally. Being deprived of sleep can lead to all sorts of complications, from signs you might expect, like feeling down and irritable, a lack of sleep can even lead to poor nail, skin, and hair conditions. If any of this sounds like you, it might be time to start investing in your sleep.
It’s recommended that we sleep between 7 to 9 hours each night for our bodies and minds to function normally. But due to many factors, such as our busy lives, aches and pains, or uncomfortable mattresses or pillows, not many of us actually get our daily recommended dose of sleep. A peaceful and comfortable night of rest is essential for our bodies to replenish and recover. Without a continuous pattern of healthy sleep, our immune systems can become weakened, leaving us vulnerable to illness. Serious health risks can develop, such as heart disease, some forms of diabetes, and obesity – all of which can shorten your life expectancy.
Our brains also need this period of respite, which is why even short term sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in mental acuity, and even memory loss. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to a loss in libido and a lack of interest in sex. A chronic lack of sleep can lead to the development of long-term mood disorders, like anxiety and depression.
Clearly, sleeping properly is extremely important for every aspect of our wellbeing. If you are having problems with falling asleep or achieving deep sleep for whatever reason, there are several ways to try and improve your resting prospects. You can incorporate more physical activity into your daily life, avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or other stimulants that keep you up at night, reduce alcohol and nicotine intake, as well as trying to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Investing in a good quality memory foam mattress and more comfortable pillows also gives you a much better chance at a peaceful night’s sleep, and will help you achieve your essential 7-9 hours of rest!