“The Earth is what we all have in common.”
Wendel Berry - novelist, environmentalist

How We’re reducing our environmental footprint
Zero landfill
The UK alone produces an alarming 31 million tonnes of landfill waste every year, causing pollution by releasing toxins, leachate, and greenhouse gases into the environment. At Brook + Wilde Sleep, we are determined not to add to that number. We aim to work under a zero waste to landfill policy, meaning that none of our materials or products ever reach landfill. This policy is applied throughout our product journey, and we’re proud to have created a circular economy for our products.
Mattress recycling
A key element within our sustainability policy is our mattress recycling service. Whether it’s your old mattress or a Brook + Wilde Sleep mattress that doesn’t quite suit, our committed team strip down the mattress into parts, with each component being recycled – for example, our memory foam goes on to be used for heat insulation. Over 95% of our materials are recycled, with the remainder being used for energy. This process ensures that nothing goes to waste or to landfill.
Our packaging
Our products arrive in high-quality packaging that is made from recycled materials and is recyclable itself. By using recycled cardboard for our boxes, we are saving resources and reducing the need for cutting down more trees. Any discarded wood-derived packaging that cannot be reused is then repurposed for biomass heating. Our plastic is recyclable and has been made from recycled materials. Our Ultima mattresses are delivered in reusable, quality cases, eliminating the need for boxes and reducing our carbon footprint.
Sustainable timber
As trees grow, they absorb carbon from the air and store it. As soon as trees begin to degrade, the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. With a sustainable timber process, the same or a greater number of trees are planted as are logged. By cutting down trees sustainably, the stored carbon is locked away in the wood, reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Our timber is locally grown and sustainably managed.
Feathers and down
The down and feathers used in our bedding range are ethically sourced and cruelty-free. Our down and feathers are never sourced from live animals, are not associated with animals used in the foie gras industry and are all retraceable back to the rearing area. Our products have been awarded the Downpass Certificate, meaning you can rest easy knowing that all ethical standards are met.